When the file has downloaded, double click on the. Instead, at the very bottom of the page, hit “No thanks just start my download”. When you click the download button, it takes you to another page and asks you to sign up or log in. You will see three versions – DMG, TAR, and TAR Test Suite archives – choose the DMG archive. If it does not pick your Mac OS automatically, you can choose your version before downloading it. On the download page, the system picks up your operating system automatically. Our focus is on the community version (recommended). This is actually the fastest and best way because you can easily switch between many versions and it takes 2 to 5min to get it up and running. Download via the website from MySQL and install it manually.There are three ways of downloading and installing MySQL on Mac: There may be newer and better versions of MySQL, so depending on your preference, use your favorite browser to search for and download whichever version you prefer. To start the installation of MySQL on your Mac, you need to download it first. 2 How To Connect To MySQL 5.6 Download Server Using MySQL Workbench.1 How To Connect To MySQL Server Via Terminal.